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The Tamil Nadu Biodiversity Conservation and Greening Project for Climate Change Response (TBGPCCR) is being implemented at a cost of Rs.920.52 crores with inancial support from JICA as a continuation of Tamil Nadu BiodiversityConservation and Greening Project (TBGP) with interventions and up-scaling of project components.

The Minutes of Discussions (MOD) and Loan Agreement (LA) was signed on 05.01.2022 and 31.03.2022 respectively. The loan agreement has become effective from 28.07.2022. This project is implemented through the Project Management Unit named as Tamil Nadu Bio-Diversity Conservation and Greening Society, which is registered as a Society under Tamil Nadu Societies Registration Act, 1975.

Necessity of the project

• The implementation of Tamil Nadu Biodiversity Conservation and Greening Project for Climate Change Response (TBGPCCR) is necessitated on the following grounds.

• With high dependency on natural resources, Tamil Nadu is under constant threat of climate change and its negative impact
(heat waves, deterioration in agriculture, droughts, cyclones, unseasonal rains, floods, deforestation, etc.)

• More than 500 species / animals are on the verge of extinction.

• Annually 60 people lose their lives and Rs.50 million paid as compensation due to deteriorating human-animal conflict.

• Mangrove coverage decreased by 8% from 2017 to 2019 due to pressure of expanding economic activity.

• 5,000 households suffered wicked flood and storm tide due to intensified natural disaster.


“To mitigate and adapt to climate change and improve ecosystem by undertaking biodiversity conservation, human wildlife conflict mitigation measures, promoting supply chain development, livelihood improvement activities and management capacity development, thereby contributing to sustainable socio-economic development in Tamil Nadu.”

Major components and Project cost



Project implementation schedule / Modalities

The TBGPCCR will be implemented over 8 years which includes 1 year preparatory phase, 5 years implementation phase and 2 years of wrap up phase, at an outlay of Rs.920.52 crores.



Implementing Units

• 1 Project Management Unit (PMU)

• 87 Divisional Management Units (DMUs) and

• 333 Range Management Units (RMUs).

Operational Manual

In G.O.(Ms).No.27, Environment, Climate Change and Forests (FR.6) Dept, Dt. 03.02.2023, the Government have approved the Operational Manual for Tamil Nadu Biodiversity Conservation and Greening Project for Climate Change Response (TBGPCCR). The Operational Manual acts as the operational guide for project implementation and Accounting procedures for PMU / Divisional Management Unit (DMU) / Range Management Unit (RMU). Further it also summarizes the roles and responsibilities of PMU personnel.

New Approaches

• Establishment of India-Japan Research Consortium

• Implementation of Smallholder Horticulture Empowerment & Promotion (SHEP)

• Implementation of infectious disease measures

• Due adherence to Environmental and Social consideration issues

• Due formulation of Scheduled Tribe and Forest Dependents Plans

• Strict adherence to Gender considerations

Application of technologies for Scientific Implementation/Management

The Project shall adopt GIS and the State-of-the-Art technologies for better implementation, monitoring and planning of the services of TNFD as follows :

• Application of Geographic Information Systems (GIS) as well as Management Information Systems (MIS) for monitoring and planning for all the components in the Project.

• Utilization of Drones for more frequent monitoring of the project activities.

• Preparation of landscape Maps and Habitat Maps with relevant information based on which strategic areas of intervention for enhancing ecosystem services shall be determined.

• Proactive digitization and digitalization of the existing processes to contribute for streamlining the processes and enrich transparency and efficiency.


Tamil Nadu Forest Department with the support of JICA will continue to strive to achieve the objectives enshrined in the project with greater vigour and vitality in the years to come.