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5.Management capacity development

5.1 Policy planning and implementation ability

    5.2 Strengthening of research activities

    5.3 Map preparation

    • Estimation of areas of trees outside forest - 1 No.

    • Soil type mapping for RFs - 1 No.

    5.4 Infrastructure and mobility

    • GIS enhancement

    i. Workstations -10 Nos.

    ii. Handheld GPS / Tablets - 2161 Nos.

    iii. Drone with LIDAR - 13 Nos.

    • MIS enhancement

    i. Personal Computers - 312 Nos.

    ii. Laptops - 94 Nos.

    ● Equipments

    i. Audio Visual Equipments - 32 Nos.

    ii. Digital Camera - 250 Nos.

    ● Vehicles

    i. Jeeps - 180 Nos.

    ii. Cars - 20 Nos.

    iii. Utility vehicle for Researchers - 1 No.

    iv. Mini bus - 5 Nos.

    v. Camper jeep - 1 No.

    • Construction of quarters - 122 Nos.

    • Establishment of Management Plan Development Cell - 5 Nos.

    • Preparation of Working Plans - 25 Nos.

    5.5 Capacity development

    • Training of Trainers - 215 persons (10 themes)

    • Capacity building of officers and staff - 20 times

    • Training for Wildlife research and development - 1 time

    • Capacity building and skill development - 325 persons (19 modules)

    • Training to Eco-Tourism staff - 51 guides

    • Training for Eco-development staff - 13 districts

    • General Training - 5400 staff (5 subjects)

    ● 5.6 Pilot studies

    • Biological diversity study - 1 No.

    ● 5.7 Monitoring and evaluation

    • Baseline Survey, Mid-Term Evaluation and Terminal Evaluation - 100 villages

    ● 5.8 Staff cost

    ● 5.9 PMU Operation Cost