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Tamil Nadu Forest Department has an history of 25 years of Association with JICA. During the 25 years, three JICA assisted Forestry Projects were implemented and one project is under implementation in Tamil Nadu.

First two projects viz. Tamil Nadu Afforestation Project (TAP-I) and TAP-II focussed on “Ecological restoration of forest areas through Joint Forest Management”. These two projects received the highest grading awarded for JICA projects as follows :

* TAP Phase-I from 1997 to 2004 (8 Years, Rs.688 crores, awarded Grade-A - Highest evaluation rating for JICA projects in India)

* TAP Phase-II from 2005 to 2013 (8 Years, Rs.567 crores, awarded Grade-A- Highest evaluation rating for JICA projects in India)

After working for 16 years in forest areas, the department came out of forest areas with the twin objectives of biodiversity conservation and increasing Trees Outside Forests under the 3rd Project viz. Tamil Nadu Biodiversity Conservation and Greening Project (TBGP).

TBGP from 2011 to 2018 (2020-21) (8 Years, Rs.686 crores, Ex-post evaluation in final stages of completion)

Buoyed by the success of TBGP, the fourth project viz. Tamil Nadu Biodiversity Conservation and Greening Project for Climate Change Response (TBGPCCR) was proposed to consolidate the efforts of TBGP with focus on Climate Change Response.

Sl NoProjetcsDurationOutlay
1Tamil Nadu Afforestation Project (Phase I)1997-98 to 2004-05 (8 years)JICA : Rs 483 CR + State : Rs 205 CR = Total : Rs 688 CR
2Tamil Nadu Afforestation Project (Phase II)2005-06 to 2012-13 (8 years)JICA : Rs 409 CR + State : Rs 158 CR = Total : Rs 567 CR
3Tamil Nadu Biodiversity Conservation And Greening Project (TBGP)2011-12 to 2018-19 (8 years)JICA : Rs 470 CR + State : Rs 216 CR = Total : Rs 686 CR
4Tamil Nadu Biodiversity Conservation and Greening Project for Climate Change Response (TBGPCCR)2022-23 to 2029-30 (8 years)JICA : Rs 688.56 CR + State : Rs 231.96 CR = Total : Rs 920.52 CR
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