1.28 crore seedlings planted in farm lands and institution lands under Urban and Peri-urban Forestry. |
Restoration of grasslands covering 770 ha. with 65 species of indigenous grasses |
Removal of Invasive Alien Species over 970 ha. |
Imparted training to more than 4,000 departmental staff and stakeholders at various National level / Departmental level institutes. |
Creation of 38 water troughs for wild animals to overcome lean season water availability |
Identification of 25 prioritised endemic (1 spp. endemic to Salem, 9 spp. endemic to Nilgiris and Coimbatore and 15 spp. endemic to Dindigul, Kanyakumari and Tirunelveli. |
Creation of new Mangroves over 700 ha. at Tiruvarur and regeneration support activities covering 500 ha. of old mangrove patches |
Creation of Elephant Proof Trenches over 50 kms. around tribal enclosures to mitigate Human Wildlife conflicts |
95 patches were identified for coral reefs monitoring. |
Rearing and release of 2.05 lakh Sea Turtles in 33 hatcheries in 8 coastal districts. |
Sea grass distribution assessed as 634 sq. kms. in Palk Bay and Gulf of Mannar and mapped for conservation monitoring |